How to Fix McAfee Not Scanning Issue ?


McAfee antivirus is top-rated antivirus software that provides excellent internet security. It helps to protect the data from any sort of malware and virus. McAfee antivirus fully secures the devices and that help to keep your network fully protected. Firstly, McAfee scans the viruses and then removes them from your devices. But sometimes users face McAfee not scanning issues. We are provided the solution to fix the McAfee antivirus scanning issue.

Why McAfee scan not working on devices?

There are some reasons why the Mcafee scan is not working. Not Scanning is a common issue on McAfee antivirus. When registry file Error, program file corruption, and window issues are occurring at that time you will get the error. There is another reason when you are using an outdated program at that time McAfee scan not responding.

Reasons for McAfee Antivirus not working:

1. Installation process Issues.


3. Issue while upgrading.

4. Performance Issue of PC.

5. Wrong Process of Un-Installation.

1. Installation process Issues:

When you install the antivirus and your antivirus is not installed properly. Most user is not aware of the problem, as it does not show on the screen. That reasons users are confused about why Antivirus not performing well. You can download free McAfeeantivirus online.

2.McAfee Updates:

McAfee is top-rated antivirus. McAfee provides the up to date protection to the devices from threats. It might happen that your device is not compatible with new updates and this will generate issues.

3. Issue while upgrading :

This product is users used has reached their expiry date the user faced the issues. At that time keep in mind update your products. If you do not update your antivirus from time to time that time McAfee antivirus not scanning properly.

4. Performance Issues of PC:

When you install the antivirus on your PC, the antivirus does not support the devices and this result shows your PC performance and slow speed of your PC.

5. Wrong process of Un-Installation:

Most users are not knowledgeable regarding technical points that why while installing antivirus they might face doing a by mistake without knowledge.

Precise Steps to Fix Mcafee Antivirus Not scanning issue:

1. Reboot your System

2. Enable Access Protection

3. Remove and Reinstall Mcafee antivirus

1. Reboot your System:

Firstly, reboot your system. When you are facing not scanning issues in the McAfee antivirus then reboot your system. Maximum time resolve scanning issue after a reboot of your system.

2. Enable Access Protection:

Follow the above steps to enable access protection:

1. Firstly, open your McAfee product.

2. Then, click on the navigation button.

3. After that click on the general setting and go to the alert option.

4. Then, you are required to open success protection and choose “Use Access protection “.

5. Click on the apply button and restart your PC.

3. Remove and Reinstall McAfee antivirus:

1. Firstly, click on the Install button, and the installation process will start.

2. During, the installation process, you will get to delete the old version of the software.

3. After that select all terms and conditions options.

4. When the McAfee is installed, it will scan in between to ensure that the system is clean.

Apply all these above methods, if still, you facing these issues then Check your internet connection that works properly or not. After that, keep in mind you are running the latest version of the software. And once again uninstalls and reinstall the Antivirus protection software.

Wrap up :

This blog, covered all issues and methods to fix McAfee not scanning issue. After that you are facing this issue, you must take help from a technical expert. An Expert will help you to fix the issue through Free Live Chat.



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