Causes and Solutions of McAfee Error Code 12152 - Basics protection


McAfee antivirus is the top-rated antivirus in the market. McAfee is provided real-time protection against infection, spam, malware, and other online threats It secures your pc, Macs, cellphones, and tablets against infection and online threats. To secure your system you can free download Mcafee antivirus. When you install a McAfee product then common errors occur like McAfee error 12152.

Reasons to occur McAfee Error code 12152: 

1. When you download the McAfee product then any file missing.

2. Check your internet connection, sometimes due to internet connectivity this error occurs.

3. Any virus, Trojans, and malware corrupted the widow system files or antivirus program files.

4. Any corruption in the window registry from a recent installation and uninstall of any antivirus


5. Sometimes runtimes can cause the McAfee error 

Precise Solution to fix McAfee error code 12152:

There are several ways and solutions to fix these issues. I hope these solutions surely help to resolve your problem.

1. Checked your internet connection.

2. Remove other Security Software 

3. Perform a System Restore.

1. Checked your internet connection:

•Firstly, check the internet connection of your system.

•Ensure that system is properly attached with proper internet speed and if your system is not connected then try to connect your system with an available internet connection.

•After that, open a web browser and reset it then try to download and again install McAfee antivirus software.

•After that follow the above steps and restart the system.

•Finally, check your McAfee antivirus software to verify that the error code is resolved or not.

2. Remove other Security Software:

•Firstly, go to the Start menu button of the system and then open it.

•Select the control panel option in the start menu.

•Then, tap on the program option in the control panel menu.

•After that, click the program and features option under the program menu then you will get the list of applications and software which are installed on your system.

•Select the other security software from the list of installed applications and remove them from your system.

3. Perform a System Restore:

•firstly, Turn your system on and log in to an administrator account.

•Go to the Start menu of the system and click on it to open.

•In the start menu, choose the option all program.

•After that, tap on the accessories option under the all program menu then select the options system tool.

•Click on the system restore option in the system tools menu.

•After that, tap on the option restore my computer to an earlier time under the system restore menu then click on the next button to proceed next steps. 

•Now, you will get the display box that will appear as the title on the list and tap the last option system restore.

•After that, click the option restore points and click the next button for the confirmation procedure.

•Tap on the ok button.

•After completing these steps, check your McAfee error code has been resolved. Sometimes, McAfee antivirus error 12152 appears due to an outdated driver in your system then try to update your system.  

After applying the following simple solution, you should not able to resolve the McAfee antivirus code 12152 then you take help McAfee expert through Free Live Chat. The technical expert provided an Instant solution and easily set up McAfee antivirus.



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